Sunday, December 4, 2011

Attacking Ads

After reading this article I was confused about why it was considered crude and offensive. I would think a company would do some research before placing an advertisement that could possible offend others. Although, we see this attack almost every day with politicians amongst themselves, it is considered politically incorrect.

Clicking on several links I finally found the answer to my question, why is this offensive? Seems this company put up a billboard, which, if you can’t make it out, reads: Christmas Quality, Hanukkah Pricing. Although the company that placed the ad was only looking for it to be perceived as funny, it has offended the Jewish community.

While the Jewdars all found it pretty amusing, the ADL had this to say: “In a crude and offensive way of trying to make a point that their vodka is high quality and inexpensive, the billboards evoke a Jewish holiday to imply something that is cheap and of lesser value when compared to the higher value of a Christian holiday. Particularly with the long history of anti-Semitic stereotypes about Jews and money, with the age-old notion that Jews are cheap, to use the Jewish holiday in dealing with issues of money is clearly insensitive and inappropriate.”
The ADL is an Anti-Defamation League for Jewish people.