Friday, November 25, 2011

Groupthink lacks creativity and risk

The article indicates that when we work in a group of people that think alike we miss opportunities in advertising that could make a difference. We form our own jargon; make up words and phrases that take forever to explain to the outsiders.

Creativity cannot prosper in an environment where thinking different or having a nonconforming opinion is looked down upon. When we form ideas, there is bound to be several bad ideas but it’s the good ones you will always remember.

We need to be more risk takers and implement creativity into our work. Form your own ideas and do not always follow the crowd.

As Albert Einstein put it, "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."

Waite said, “We are dwelling in a time where the risk-taking, research-oriented advertising campaign is taking a backseat to techies who are attempting to guarantee eyeballs based on algorithms. Yes, your ad or brand will be seen, but there is no creativity behind it. It's bland, and it's based on online behavior rather than life (which research proves can be different). “


  1. I certainly find it hard sometimes to work in groups--whether it is in a school environment or a work environment. Don't get me wrong, I like to have my ideas challenged and certain things call collaborative thinking, but I it find it hard sometimes to do. If I'm working in a group of coworkers whose thoughts are very similar, I can see how we may not be challenged to think beyong our normal thought process to see a bigger picture. I also think this would have a lot to do with age and education level as well.

  2. Diversity is crucial to problem solving. I love the quote by Einstein. It is often the thoughts outside of the box or that approach a solution from a different angle that work. However, I think there has to be group consensus at a point. I enjoy working in groups, but I particularly enjoy working in groups full of creative minds. The problem with creatives is that there sometimes tends to be a lack of agenda. The true problems solvers are groups of individuals who all bring individual ideas to the table and are able to see the value to other ideas while working co-operatively and know how to efficiently implement their solutions.
